Crowfolk Marketplace Concept Art by Tian Yang, environment artist (@ven.the.plant on Instagram)

Creative Director

Game Concept

A biology grad student is mysteriously transported to a world full of anthropomorphic crows, observing and interacting with them in order to find a way back home

  • A first-person adventure stealth game inspired by speculative fiction, abandoned structures, and real-life studies of corvid consciousness
  • Play as a human anthropologist named Aria, who is sent 50,000 years in the future to a strange world created out of the ruins of various time periods
  • You are not alone: This new world is populated by giant mysterious creatures evolved from crows and magpies
  • As you explore, you study the Crowfolk, slowly piecing together their culture, history, and Aria’s place in the world
  • However, studying may not be enough: She may have to become more like the Crowfolk in order to survive
    Crowfolk Concept Art by Cainina Sablan (@chookatten on Instagram)
  • CORVIDAE was a long-form directing exercise for USC’s Directing for Video Games class (CTIN 480).
  • I worked to create a large amount of documentation about the game, including location scouting, prior art exploration, visual references, and screenplays for sample cutscenes

Even More about CORVIDAE on Notion!